Making a Career in SEO – How Not to Get Cheated

Decide the type of agency

Before going to any agency, research it thoroughly. Decide whether to work for a small, large or multinational company. The advantage of a larger agency may be that you can work more easily in a different team. For example, if you work in affiliate marketing or PPC and transition to SEO, you can continue working on the same brand but change the scope.

It can be difficult to decide which agency to work with. Here is a list of some SEO agencies in UK And who are in America, There are also agencies that allow you to do remote work, but they are harder to find. The career path at larger SEO agencies is more structured and along the lines of:

SEO Assistant or SEO Trainee > SEO Executive > SEO Manager > Senior SEO Manager > SEO Director > SEO Head

Benefits of working in an agency

Those working in agencies have the opportunity to work on multiple accounts and gain experience in different industries. This is great for people starting straight out of school or college or making a transition. It is fast-paced and full of activity.

Agency work requires long hours. This is especially true when working on pitches, as this is often done outside of office hours. However, this may depend on the agency; Not all agencies expect their employees to work more than normal working hours. Working on pitches develops your own experience, and also gives you experience in different teams; As far as some pitches are concerned, you can collaborate with paid search, affiliates, or other marketing departments.

Working in agencies can positively help your career as you can learn a lot from the people around you. There are many creative people you wouldn’t normally meet at home.

Another advantage of working at an agency, especially a larger one, is having an experienced senior team. This gives you the opportunity to learn from your senior leaders and your peers as well. This is something that may not be possible in a client-side role.

An important part of building a career in SEO is learning, and I’ve found a major source of learning and practical tips to be found at conferences and events. At agencies, you are exposed to more of these conferences and may have more opportunity to attend them, especially if your agency is one of the organizers.

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