
15 Amazing Shiva (Mahadev) Tattoo Designs on Neck

Lord Shiva is the destroyer of impurities that take refuge in the human mind and is considered the most powerful of the trinity. This is one of the reasons why Lord Shiva tattoos are popular among people of all age groups. But let’s say you are not a fan of portrait tattoos that take up too much space and want to express your admiration for the Lord. In that case, the Shiva tattoos on neck mentioned in this article can be an excellent solution for you.

Tattoos featuring the god Shiva are given a lot of significance; the meaning depends on the wearer. From Trishul, Dhamru or the face of the meditating god Shiva, this article gives you numerous options that will fit perfectly in the neck area. So, without further ado, read through this article to find some unique tattoo options that will help you choose the right tattoo.

15 popular Shiva tattoos on the neck:

Now let’s come to this section to see some tattoo inspirations for Shiva tattoos on neck, please check them out and choose the one you like the most.

1. Lord Shiva Tattoo on Neck:

This is a Mahadev tattoo on the neck with the face of the Lord, which is usually preferred by men of all ages. The shape of this tattoo resembles a moon. The facial features of Lord Shiva are quite realistic and the closed eyes suggest that he is meditating. The moon on the head symbolizes presence of mind. The use of only black ink makes the design look melancholic and beautiful.

2. Small Trishul Tattoo on Neck:

Suppose you are not a fan of extensive tattoo designs. In that case, this pattern containing only simple words or phrases is a perfect option. The wearer gets the words Mahadev engraved on the center of the neck, with a Trishul in the middle, which in a simple way sums up everything related to Lord Shiva. The comments are engraved in bold lines and black ink. You can also use different colored ink instead of black if you want.

3. Damru tattoo on the neck:

This beautiful Mahadev neck tattoo is a combination of a Trishul and a Damru that are exceptionally well connected. A Damru symbolizes the expanding and collapsing universe and represents the process of creation. At the same time, Trishul represents being awake, sleeping and waking, all three aspects of consciousness. The use of bold lines combined with light blue makes the tattoo stand out beautifully.

4. Trishul tattoo on the neck:

This is a Trishul Mahadev tattoo on the back of the neck, an excellent option for people who love simple and unique tattoo designs. In the case of the Trishul, only the upper part is engraved with bold black lines that perfectly match the neck area. The tattoo pattern looks exceptional in black unless you want to make it colorful.

5. Mahakal Tattoo Neck:

One of the most powerful mantras in the world is Om Namah Shivaya which removes the negative energy from the environment while generating energy in your system. The mantras combined with the Trishul, the face of Lord Shiva and the On symbol create a beautiful look that uplifts the consciousness of the wearer. The mantras also give the wearer energizing sounds that look beautiful on the side of the neck.

6. Shiva Trishul Tattoo on Neck:

If you are looking for an authentic Shiva neck tattoo with clean lines and bold ink, this tattoo can be an excellent choice. The Om symbol is engraved in a stylish way and topped with a small Trishul. The entire tattoo has an elegant finish and you can always choose the size according to your preference, small or medium.

7. Om Namahshivay Tattoo on Neck:

This Om Namah Shivaya Tattoo on the neck is a unique and memorable way to express your love for Lord Shiva. It is unique because this tattoo mainly contains letters in Hindi, in addition to the letter OM and finally a third eye in the middle. Small or medium size is perfect for this type of tattoos, which are usually preferred by men, although women can try them too.

8. Trishul & Damru Tattoo on Neck:

This tattoo can be an excellent option if you want to have a Shiva tattoo on your neck with a rustic touch. This tattoo is realistic as the shadowed look gives it a 3D effect. Getting the tattoo a little bit at an angle can be a perfect way to cover the entire pattern on the neck beautifully. A Damru symbolizes the expanding and collapsing universe. The Trishul beautifully represents the three aspects of consciousness.

See more: Hanuman Tattoo Designs

9. Unique Mahadev Tattoo on Neck:

The small Om tattoo on the front of the neck looks simple and elegant. Moreover, this tattoo looks extraordinary when engraved in medium size. This tattoo is suitable for both men and women.

10. Stylish Mahadev Tattoo on Neck:

Suppose you are looking for a stylish representation of your love for Lord Shiva. In that case, this Shiva tattoo on the neck can be an excellent option. The cute little crisscrossing lines below the trishul make the tattoo more unique. The tattoo also uses black and grey tones, which makes the design even more special. Moreover, this tattoo looks exceptional when engraved in medium size.

11. Mahadevtrishul Tattoo on Neck:

If you are not a fan of simple black tattoosadding color can be a unique way to express your love for Shiva beautifully. The Trishul, OM and the Rudraksha are placed one below the other. Adding three red lines behind the OM symbol complements each other while being inclusive. Adding a small blue eye in the central area of ​​the Trishul adds extra beauty.

12. Lord Shiva Neck Tattoo:

This is another stylish Mahadev tattoo on the neck that is an excellent option for people who like to combine modernity with tradition in a beautiful way. The tattoo design resembles an OM symbol with sharp lines at the top and curved lines at the bottom. A splash of color in the background gives the entire tattoo a beautiful look.

13. Shiva Trishul Tattoo on Neck:

Featuring the stylish OM symbol, this beautiful Trishul tattoo looks like a perfect representation of religion and style in one. The use of bold lines ending with thin beautiful lines gives the tattoo a compelling look. This tattoo is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and gender. You can also decide the size of the tattoo according to your preference.

14. Special Trishul Tattoo for Neck:

Image source: Instagram

If you want something unique and special, this third eye trishul tattoo of Lord Shiva can be an excellent option. The fantastic thing about this tattoo is that the trishul is engraved with bold and thick outlines while the central areas of the tattoo are left bare and have no colors. The eye also looks quite realistic due to the use of grey-black colors. This tattoo looks beautiful when done in small or medium size.

15. Beautiful Trishul and Damru Tattoo on Neck:

Image source: Angel Tattoo

This is an exceptional Mahadev tattoo on the neck as an OM symbol with a trishul passing through it. The pattern design is further enhanced by a red cloth that looks like it is flying through the air. The unique thing about this tattoo is that it does not fill the entire design with black ink. Instead, only the outlines are drawn in thick lines while the central areas are left greyish, giving the pattern a 3D effect.


There is no shortage of creativity and artistry in tattoo designs. This article offers unique Shiva tattoo design options on neck, from simple to elaborate patterns. Check them out thoroughly and choose the one that suits your style and personality. Don’t forget to let us know if you found the article helpful!

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