
10 Different Types of Interviews Explained (Best Practices)

In many fields, interviews are critical events that provide forums for investigation, evaluation, and communication. Interviews can be used to explore professional spheres, open doors to education, or unearth personal stories. They can take many forms, each suited to particular goals and situations. The spectrum of interview types is vast and diverse, ranging from structured job interviews assessing qualifications and fit to in-depth journalistic interviews revealing stories and perspectives and from insightful conversational interviews exploring ideas and experiences to insightful research interviews gathering insights. A person can navigate these interactions with confidence, purpose, and authenticity by being aware of the subtleties of each type of interview. This promotes meaningful exchanges and mutual understanding.

What is an interview, and why are interviews important?

  • An interview is a planned discussion between two or more people, usually done with a specific goal in mind, like information gathering, evaluating qualifications, or exchanging ideas. It functions as a structured mode of communication in which one person poses questions and the other responds, encouraging a discussion with specific objectives in mind.
  • Interviews are an essential part of the hiring process in the professional world because they let employers assess candidates’ qualifications, abilities, and fit for open positions. Also, interviews give people a chance to highlight their personalities, experiences, and strengths, which makes them stand out in competitive settings.
  • Interviews are helpful not only for employment interviews but also for research, journalism, and information gathering. There are different styles of interviews, and each of them helps professionals share knowledge and insights, researchers collect data, and journalists uncover stories. Interviews are practical assessment, communication, and discovery tools that promote meaningful interactions and advancement across various disciplines.

Classification of Interviews:

Interviews can be classified based on methods, modes, and stages, each serving different purposes and contexts.

Here are some basic types of interviews classified on a range of factors.

A. Interview Methods:

  • Individual Interviews: In separate interviews, one interviewer interacts with one interviewee. It allows for personalized assessment and deeper exploration of the interviewee’s responses and experiences.
  • Group Interviews: Group interviews involve one interviewer interacting with multiple interviewees simultaneously. They are useful for observing interactions, comparing candidates, and assessing group dynamics.

B. Interview Modes:

  • Face-to-Face Interviews: Face-to-face interviews occur when the interviewer and interviewee get together in the same physical space. They facilitate instantaneous rapport-building and nonverbal cue communication.
  • Informational Interviews: Informational interviews aim to obtain knowledge and counsel from professionals with various experiences in a specific field. These are casual discussions to learn more about a particular business, profession, or association.
  • Computer-Assisted Interviews: These are conducted remotely through technology, such as online surveys or video conferencing. They provide both scheduling and geographic flexibility.

C. Interview Stages:

  • Preparing for the Interview: This phase entails organizing and setting up the interview and creating the questions and objectives.
  • Introduction: The interviewer greets the interviewee, states the reason for the interview, and builds a relationship.
  • Questioning: In this phase, the interviewer probes for details, evaluates credentials, or looks into exciting subjects.
  • Closing: The interviewer summarizes the main ideas covered, invites questions from the interviewee, and ends the conversation positively.
  • Post-Interview Follow-Up: Following the interview, the interviewer may offer comments, make choices, or get in touch again if needed.

10 Different Types of Job Interviews You Must Know About:

Here are the most common types of interviews with examples. Each one has its own characteristics and types of interview will differ based on the position applied for.

1. Structured Interview:

In a structured interview, each candidate is asked the same set of pre-planned questions—usually, the questions center on qualifications, experience, and skills particular to the position.

  • Interview Process: The interview procedure involves the interviewer going through a predetermined list of questions, frequently with a scoring system or rating scale,to assess each candidate’s response uniformly.
  • Benefits: Fairness and a reduction of bias in the evaluation process are guaranteed by structured interviews. They make it possible to compare candidates objectively and aid in choosing the one best suited for the position.
  • Example: A hiring manager interviews candidates for a customer service representative position using a set list of standardized questions.

2. Unstructured Interview:

There is no predetermined list of questions in an unstructured interview; instead, the interviewer’s judgment and the candidate’s answers determine how the conversation flows.

  • Interview Process: The interviewer may explore various topics based on the candidate’s background, experiences, and interests, allowing for a more flexible and conversational interaction.
  • Benefits: Deeper insights into a candidate’s personality, communication abilities, and mental processes can be gained through unstructured interviews. They promote rapport and engagement by enabling a more casual and genuine exchange.
  • Example: In an open-ended interview, an admissions officer asks prospective students about their experiences, interests, and aspirations to evaluate them for a university program.

3. Behavioral Interview:

To forecast future performance, behavioral interviews emphasize past behavior. Candidates must give concrete instances of how they overcame difficulties or difficult circumstances in prior positions.

  • Interview Process: The interviewer asks questions like “Tell me about a time when…” or “Give me an example of…” to elicit concrete examples of the candidate’s skills, abilities, and problem-solving approach.
  • Benefits: Based on actual experiences, behavioral interviews aid in evaluating a candidate’s competencies, including leadership, problem-solving, and communication abilities. They offer insightful information about how applicants will probably behave in comparable circumstances.
  • Example: A hiring manager interviews a candidate for a project manager role, asking them to provide examples of past projects they managed and how they handled challenges or conflicts.

4. Panel Interview:

In a panel interview, one candidate is simultaneously interviewed by several interviewers from various departments or levels within the company.

  • Interview Process: Each panelist may pose questions according to their areas of expertise or interest, enabling a thorough evaluation from many angles.
  • Benefits: Panel interviews objectively evaluate the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and fit for the role. They allow diverse input and perspectives, ensuring a more well-rounded decision-making process.
  • Example: A panel comprising the hiring manager, a senior marketing strategist, and the HR manager conducts interviews with potential candidates for marketing positions. Inquiries concerning the candidate’s creative thinking, marketing experience, and strategic thinking are made by each panelist in turn.

5. Phone Interview:

Interviews over the phone are usually done as a first screening before face-to-face interviews. They are frequently employed to evaluate fundamental skills and determine a candidate’s interest in the role.

  • Interview Process: Besides inquiring about the candidate’s experience, qualifications, and expectations for the position, the interviewer may also ask questions about the role and the company.
  • Benefits: Phone interviews save time and resources by narrowing down the candidate pool before inviting candidates for in-person interviews. They provide an opportunity to assess communication skills and initial fit for the role.
  • Example: A recruiter conducts phone interviews with candidates to screen them for a sales associate position before inviting them for in-person interviews. The recruiter asks questions about the candidate’s sales experience, communication skills, and availability for work.

6. Video Interview:

This type of video interview is the most commonly sorted method. Video conferencing software is used for video interviews, which enables remote communication between the interviewer and the candidate. They are frequently utilized by applicants who are unable to attend in-person interviews.

  • Interview Process: At the appointed time, the interviewer and the candidate connect via video conference to see and hear each other in real-time. Similar to an in-person interview, questions are posed, and answers are given.
  • Benefits: Video interviews offer flexibility for both parties, especially for geographically distant candidates with scheduling conflicts. They allow for face-to-face interaction without the need for travel.
  • Example: To evaluate candidates for a remote software developer position, an employer uses video interviews to gauge candidates’ communication and technical prowess. Using a video call tool like Zoom or Skype, the interviewer and candidate talk about the candidate’s projects, programming experience, and problem-solving skills.


7. Case Interview:

This type of case interview is commonly used in consulting and business roles to assess problem-solving and analytical skills. Candidates are presented with a hypothetical business scenario or problem and asked to analyze, evaluate, and provide recommendations.

  • Interview Process: The candidate is asked to walk through their thought process, identify critical issues, and suggest strategies or solutions to a case study or scenario the interviewer presents.
  • Benefits: In case interviews, candidates’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are evaluated. They mimic difficulties encountered in the real world and reveal how applicants approach and resolve issues.
  • Example: During a business analyst interview, a consulting firm will show potential candidates a case study involving a business problem faced by a client, and they will be asked to evaluate and propose a solution. The candidate is given the case study by the interviewer, who then asks them to go over their strategy, highlight essential problems, and make suggestions.

8. Stress Interview:

Types of stress interviews come in various forms, and their purpose is to observe candidates’ reactions and performance under pressure. They frequently entail the interviewer asking pointed questions, cutting you off, or acting aggressively.

  • Interview Process: To evaluate the candidate’s poise, resiliency, and interpersonal skills under pressure, the interviewer may pose thought-provoking questions, contest the candidate’s answers, or incite tension in the room.
  • Benefits: Stress interviews evaluate a candidate’s ability to control their emotions, remain composed under pressure, and behave appropriately in trying situations. They shed light on candidates’ behaviour when under pressure, which is useful for positions requiring them to make decisions under pressure or deal with clients.
  • Example: A candidate for a high-pressure sales role is put through a stressful interview by an interviewer who poses tough questions and keeps a combative tone to see how the candidate handles pressure.

9. Group Interview Example:

Group interviews involve multiple candidates being interviewed together by one or more interviewers. They are often used to assess teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

  • Interview Process: The interviewer assigns group activities or role-playing exercises to assess teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills among the candidates.
  • Benefits: Group interviews provide insights into candidates’ interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in a team, helping employers select candidates who are a good fit for collaborative roles.
  • Example: A retail company conducts group interviews with multiple candidates for a customer service representative position, observing how they interact and collaborate in a team setting.

10. Psychological Interview:

This is one type of interview in psychology. In this, an organised discussion between a psychologist and a person with the goal of evaluating psychological functioning, mental health, and emotional well-being carries on and is known as a psychological interview. It is frequently used to diagnose mental health disorders, comprehend psychological symptoms, and create treatment plans in clinical psychology, counselling, and therapy settings.

  • Interview Process: During the interview, the psychologist uses a mix of structured and open-ended questions to learn about the patient’s past medical history, present symptoms, and psychosocial elements affecting their mental health. A variety of subjects, including family history, education, relationships, emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, may come up during the interview.
  • Benefits: Accurate diagnosis and individualised treatment planning are made possible by psychological interviews, which offer a thorough understanding of the subject’s psychological and emotional state. They enable psychologists to build rapport with patients, discuss delicate topics, and cooperate with other professionals to achieve therapeutic objectives. Psychological interviews can also be used to guide interventions that support recovery and well-being by identifying underlying factors that contribute to mental health issues.
  • Example: Sarah, a licensed clinical psychologist, conducts a psychological interview with a new client, Alex, who seeks therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Each type of interview style provides priceless resources for evaluation, dialogue, and networking in a range of fields. Common types of interview range from exploratory informational interviews to structured job interviews, all of which serve different purpose in promoting information sharing, skill evaluation, and idea exploration. Interviews, whether done in person, virtually, in groups, or individually, offer chances for participation, comprehension, and decision-making. Through comprehension of the subtleties associated with each interview style and utilisation of their distinct benefits, people can effectively and confidently navigate professional, academic, and interpersonal interactions.


1. What does a job interview aim to accomplish?

Employers can assess candidates’ qualifications, abilities, and fit for particular roles during job interviews. They give companies the chance to evaluate applicants’ capacity for problem-solving, communication, and organisational culture fit.

2. How do I get ready for an interview for a job?

Researching the business, comprehending the job specifications, and rehearsing answers to frequently asked interview questions are all part of getting ready for a job interview. Along with preparing questions for the interviewer, candidates should bring copies of their resume and dress appropriately. Additionally, be prepared for the different types of interview round.

3. What can I anticipate from a behavioural interview?

Behavioural interviews use historical data—specifically, experiences and behaviors—to forecast future outcomes. It is required of candidates to give concrete instances of how they overcame difficulties or difficult circumstances in prior positions. Expect inquiries such as “Can you give an example of a time when you had to resolve a conflict?” and “Describe a project you managed from start to finish.”

4. What distinguishes an in-person interview from a phone interview?

Usually, phone interviews are conducted as first screenings to determine candidates’ interest in the job and to evaluate their basic qualifications. Face-to-face interactions occur during in-person interviews, which give employers a closer look at applicants’ professionalism, interpersonal skills, and nonverbal cues.

5. How should an interview be followed up on?

It is advised that you follow up with the interviewer with a thank-you email or note to reiterate your interest in the job and to express your gratitude for the opportunity. Candidates can also state that they are willing to provide more information if necessary and ask about the next steps in the hiring process.

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